file_get_contents curl

I was ask to use a simple facebook api to return the number of likes or shares at work which return json string. Now since i am going to do this for a very large amount of links, which one is better: Using file_get_contents or cURL. Both of them seem to r

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  • 我知道一直以來都是用 php 的 curl 來抓東西,也沒探究為什麼。 因為程式是內部抓資料用的,不會被攻擊還是幹嘛的,所以寫程式還是以快為主。 抓網頁我就直接用 file_get...
    霹靂開發邦: 用 curl 別用 file_get_contents
  • I was ask to use a simple facebook api to return the number of likes or shares at work whi...
    php - using file get contents or curl - Stack Overflow ...
  • In addition to this, due to some recent website hacks we had to secure our sites more. In ...
    PHP cURL vs file_get_contents - Stack Overflow
  • This function is similar to file(), except that file_get_contents() returns the file in a ...
    PHP: file_get_contents - Manual - PHP: Hypertext ...
  • This is a summary of the posts I've written about PHP's file_get_contents function...
    PHP's file_get_contents and CURL functions - Electric ...
  • 在安裝布景主題的時候,發現程式中有用到file_get_contents這個指令,如果PHP的設定中沒有把allow_url_fopen這個功能打開,就會出現警示訊息,而且無法讀到...
    PHP 筆記 – 用curl取代file_get_contents | My Tech Notes ...
  • Hi, I am caching a json result from an API and saving it as a file on my server. I have th...
    Replace file_get_contents with file_get_contents_curl - PHP ...
  • A script for retrieving the content of remote files when fopen wrapper are disabled on the...
    cURL alternative to file_get_contents over HTTP < PHP | ...
  • 初学php的朋友们,很容易翻一个错误,在写采集程序或者调用api接口总会有线考虑到使用file_get_contents函数来或许内容,程序的访问量不大倒是没什么影响,但是访问量提...
    PHP使用curl替代file_get_contents – 运维生存时间
  • php中使用Curl、socket、file_get_contents三种方法POST提交数据的实现代码,需要的朋友可以参考下。 抓取远程内容,之前一直都在用file_get_co...
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